
My life has been rich and diverse. Through living, working and studying in different countries I have gathered a wide range of life- and working experiences. I originally come from Finland. Since 1985 I have been living and working in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

My profession for many years as a social scientist and a specialist in managing and guiding organizations, both in the profit- and the non-profit sectors, was a beautiful creation/manifestation in its own right. This creation served me perfectly until I embarked on the path of my awakening to Myself and to Life.
Subsequently, my way of thinking and living were thoroughly changed. During my journey to self-realization/ ultimate soul Freedom, I was deeply confronted with my (true) Self. I needed to (re)discover and experience what unconditional love and compassion for Myself in fact implied. It took many years for all my aspects and stories to integrate. It was an intense time of allowing my divine and human consciousness to merge – of allowing my full embodiment here.
Eventually my true Freedom on earth was realized.  
At the beginning of 2007, based on a deep inner calling, I set up my own home-based practice as an energetic-intuitive life coach, (breath) facilitator, inspirator, author, speaker and artist of Life. Since then I have met and facilitated many lovely people with their own unique story.
Please be advised that prices vary for different types of sessions. If you live outside of the Netherlands, we can connect by phone (free calls inside Europe), FaceTime or Skype for life coaching, inclusive conscious breathing. All sessions are customized to meet your wishes and needs! Clients living outside of the Netherlands are requested to pay in advance.
For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me (Leena Joro), by phone +316453 22 487 or by e-mail using the form below. I am interested to hear your unique story. Perhaps I can be of service to you!

P.S. Please fill in the e-mail form: your full name, e-mail address, country and telephone number, if you order books! Otherwise this e-mail can’t be processed in the administration. Thank you very much!