Each day I breathe consciously ‘to my own source’, to Myself, to my Balance and Joy – to my true state of Being. By breathing consciously I immediately connect with my true Self. In this state of being it is very simple for me to express my true Self: with each breath I am an instant conscious and inspired expression of Myself on Earth. With each breath I consciously choose for Life and all that goes with it.
Self Connection
Each conscious choice of mine is my creation but equally so my experience.
By choosing consciously, I create out of inner peace, balance and inspiration. This means without fear or restrictions, without defined goals or plans or a need ‘to have something’. I create in order to experience Myself.
I feel deep inner Joy because I am Life and because I experience Life. These two states of my inner joy - ‘to be and to experience’ - are in endless movement with one another in a joyful, continuous dance between the states of ‘I am’ and ‘I experience’. My human and divine have come together. I have become one with my own creation, merged into an integrated, sovereign whole. By being and living my ‘I am that I am’, based on my unique and ultimate freedom of my soul, I also co-create naturally and as a matter of course within the universal flow.
I feel deep inner Joy because I am Life and because I experience Life. These two states of my inner joy - ‘to be and to experience’ - are in endless movement with one another in a joyful, continuous dance between the states of ‘I am’ and ‘I experience’. My human and divine have come together. I have become one with my own creation, merged into an integrated, sovereign whole. By being and living my ‘I am that I am’, based on my unique and ultimate freedom of my soul, I also co-create naturally and as a matter of course within the universal flow.
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The true Joy (of Life) bubbles up when you undergo the profound feeling of Yourself as: ‘I Am, I exist, I know, I experience’.
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The Joy (of Life) is the connective factor between your true Self, your essence, and your authentic expressions on Earth.